What Is Technology-as-a-Service

Innovative Environments Technology-as-a-Service (TaaS) payment program offers a convenient solution. It allows you to bundle your technology hardware equipment and the valuable multiyear support and maintenance services needed, all for one easy monthly subscription payment. This relieves you from the burden of managing technology and allows you to focus on your core business.

TaaS offers our customers exclusive protection, flexibility, and control needed to operate efficiently. This is an actual technology-as-a-service program and not a dressed-up lease. Our TaaS offering not only helps you stay at the forefront of technology and provides greater flexibility to upgrade and scale quickly, but also ensures your investments are protected. With our TaaS offering, you can utilize your capital for revenue-generating activities and focus on the outcomes versus the need to own your technology.

Why Technology-as-a-Service Makes Sense in Today's Environment

Technology solutions are nonrevenue-generating assets because they rapidly depreciate the day after they are installed. Paying cash with after-tax dollars on nonrevenue-generating assets defies basic economics. Technology today is essential, but there's a big difference between being essential and making sound economic choices for your organization.

With Innovative Environments' TaaS service, you can absorb the myriad of non-recoverable costs associated with acquiring new technology while maintaining the ability to keep your working capital working! With technology-as-a-service, you package everything into one all-inclusive monthly subscription payment for 36 or 60 months. This includes the hardware equipment and support services to ensure your solution is serving you optimally, all while saving you money in the long run.

Customers are realizing use & access are more important than ownership due to technology rapidly changing for the better, with no sign of slowing down. Just look at major manufacturers and their most recent R&D budgets:

  • Microsoft: 13% ($27,195,000,000)
  • Cisco: 13% ($7,551,000,000)
  • AXIS Communications: 17% ($261,470,000)
  • Barco: 13% ($146,000,000) 

* R&D spending based on reported figures as of Q1 2024

When considering the amount of money manufacturers are pouring into R&D, how are you, as the consumer, supposed to manage the rapid advancement of technology and the risk of obsolescence? A component of TaaS is the Solution Replacement Guarantee. This allows you, the customer, to migrate into new technology anytime during the subscription service term without financial penalty.

Technology fuels nearly everything in a modern organization's daily operations: communications, logistics, education, security, etc. It has no doubt become essential. So how can you NOT insure and protect it with a complete service and maintenance plan? You can't! It's too much of a risk. Effectively and efficiently operating technology is mission-critical, and TaaS is the solution to ensure its continuous operation. 

Discover the exclusive Features of Innovative Environments TaaS offering

SRG: The Solution Replacement Guarantee (SRG) protects you from technology obsolescence. By always being at the forefront of technology, you can continue to grow, remain competitive, and be agile in the market. SRG upgrades or replaces your solution at any point if it no longer meets your needs. There are no rollover balances, and there are no penalty fees.  

Act of God Coverage: Protect your equipment from natural disasters. If any equipment under your agreement is damaged during the term due to a natural disaster, 100 percent of your out-of-pocket insurance deductible, up to $5,000, will be paid.

Ownership has long been the only method of procurement for hardware-intensive technology solutions. However, things are rapidly changing. Technology-as-a-service is disrupting the landscape. More organizations are seeing value in having the ability to access and use technology versus having to be handcuffed to it by owning it. As technology advancements accelerate, so does the pace at which you'll need to upgrade. TaaS relieves the pressure of always making large upfront capital expenditures to remain competitive while staying at the forefront of technology. Preserve your capital and discover the difference between Innovative Environments and Technology-as-a-Service with more control, flexibility, and protection than any other solution offering.